by Leslie Kinzel | Mar 29, 2019 | Our Plan | The Evolution of the School
The start of the new year was busy. Steps for the two-story Water Tower are complete. Construction begins on the St. Peter’s Assembly Hall and our first grant is received from the Manitoba Council for International Cooperation (MCIC) for the future development of the...
by Leslie Kinzel | Mar 29, 2018 | Our Plan | The Evolution of the School
The first Hostel for 60 girls is constructed. Each bedroom is equipped with two sets of bunk beds. For many of these girls, it will be the first time they will sleep on a mattress and blanket. The Hostel also provides bathrooms and showers. Again, for many of these...
by Leslie Kinzel | Mar 29, 2017 | Our Plan | The Evolution of the School
The dream of building a Girls school in Malawi, one of the poorest countries in the world, becomes a reality. The name chosen for the school is “KUWALA” which means “light” in the local language. The school motto is defined as “Shine Girls Shine”. The desire is for...