Challenge Accepted, Kuwala Christian Girls School finishes strong in the Mathematics Olympiad.

by | May 24, 2024 | Stories from the Field

What started in 2023 as a strategy to improve students’ math grades ended up being a successful challenge with another secondary school close to Kuwala! Teachers launched the Mathematics Olympiad, a competitive exam that tests students’ concept mastery and mathematical thinking skills. The exams can be a good gauge for topics that need further revision.

Early in 2023, teachers prepared mathematics questions for groups of students to practice during the Sunday study sessions. Students practiced the questions before meeting with their group on Sunday. After four weeks, teachers administered a math test to the students. Upon marking, teachers tallied the scores by combining the group performances and organized tea and refreshments for the group that performed well. It was motivating for all those involved. Soon after, the girls requested more math challenges. Competition with another school was the next step. The Administration chose another independent secondary school, and the competition resumed.

Kuwala student: Kuwala_2024
Kuwala student: Kuwala_20224

The mathematics teachers from both schools collaborated to formulate the questions and challenges and administered and graded the exams. The competition started with a preliminary test for all the students at Kuwala. Then, there was a second test for all those students who scored above 50%, followed by a final test for the remaining students. Regular practice is crucial, and a routine to solve complex math problems paid off for the girls when they applied their knowledge and skills to excel! The results were encouraging, the students’ marks improved, and the team-building and group work were fun.

The Awards Day celebrated the winners and presented the awards: gold, silver, and bronze place categories. All winners received a medal and a T-shirt. The teachers of the winning categories also received a T-shirt, a mug, and a hat.

Events like these at Kuwala are unique and engaging. The teachers and Administration are passionate about building a better future for the students at Kuwala. The students are learning, for example, how to be challenged, work well with others and be creative in every aspect of learning.

The students explore various opportunities to connect with peers through Club Six. 

Clubs enhance learning and promote independent thinking. They take what they learn from the classroom, expand the concepts, and allow for more in-depth observation of the subject. The science and mathematics club students have been working towards helping each other explain and solve challenging concepts. Some topics in science are more demanding, so students use the science and mathematics clubs to discuss them in depth.

Science, math, chess, writers, and debaters club round out the balance of the club activities that students participate in after regular lessons at Kuwala. Hosted by a teacher, the students receive a more one-on-one opportunity to learn and ask questions.

A deep dive into the clubs’ mandates.

Kuwala science club students and teacher outside posing in front of trees at the Campus.
Kuwala science club._2024

In the science club, students perform chemistry experiments and expand on the lessons they learn during regular class time. The purpose of a science club at Kuwala is to motivate the students to become more interested and involved in the sciences, offer new science activities, and explore new scientific research happening today. In a small club group, further dissection of the experiment can occur and promote different learning outcomes. With patience, the girls can achieve a better
process for specific experiments.

Math club students posing as a group outside with their teacher.
Math club._Kuwala_2024

The math club encourages more problem-solving and adapts the principles learned in class. Its purpose is to promote mathematics in a fun, supportive, and collaborative environment, foster a deep understanding and appreciation of mathematics, strengthen critical thinking skills and problem-solving techniques, challenge each other’s skills for accuracy, and explore those who are outstanding in mathematics. Working with various math equations and practicing solving the equations makes learning easier.

One of the smaller clubs at the Campus but hoping to grow the membership. Kuwala_2024

The chess club aims to help students develop skills they can apply to the game of chess and life itself. Students also learn to analyze the chess board, a big part of the critical thinking skills needed in the everyday classroom.
Chess compliments concepts in math and develops patience and
insightful critical thinking, all while having fun playing a game.

The Writers and Debaters Club team flanked by two teachers.
Writers and debaters club. Kuwala_2024

The writers and debaters club focuses on speaking skills, including discussion of current events topics, self-expression, and elaboration. The students can question, debate and delve into many discovery topics, including some of the following:

  • The government should allocate more science resources than human resources to schools; 
  • science has done more harm than good to humans; students should not go on holidays to do well in school; and 
  • students learn better in coeducational schools than in non-coeducational schools. 

The club enjoys working and expressing themselves through the art of writing. Speech and debate teach many valuable skills, including effective argumentation, writing, and persuasion, but are also applicable in many settings, including a job interview or a discussion.

Important lessons of self-discipline, patience, simply speaking in English, formulating sentences, and improving grammar are vital to this club.

Teachers’ workshop, a commitment to student success.

Kuwala provides ongoing workshops for teachers. The challenges of keeping teachers at independent schools, such as Kuwala, are continuing. What makes Kuwala an attractive place to work are our commitment to the development of the teachers and our plan to build teachers’ houses to make the commute to work accessible and affordable. Kuwala provides good food, a safe and secure environment, teamwork, and a solid commitment to excellence in academics, health, and well-being.

Kuwala teacher attended a workshop at Kalipano Hotel for their professional development. Kuwala_2024.

The teacher’s workshop provided:

  • vision and mission statements;
  • the disciplines and structure at Kuwala;
  • what does it mean to be an educator and take care of one’s mental health;
  • encouraging staff to be role models; and
    mentors to our young students.

Teachers collaborate and share ideas while they dig deeper into thematic ideas across the content areas. As a result, teachers become open to sharing ideas and skills.

The students who enroll at Kuwala come from very impoverished backgrounds and need to learn and build their self-esteem, confidence, and respect for each other. They also need to learn structure and discipline and the desire to work hard. Kuwala is a school that achieves excellence. The teaching day does not end at the end of class. Continued support in Clubs, sports, study, and worship time is required. Supporting the teachers at Kuwala will provide a strong base for learning and achieving success. 

Beyond the gates, Kuwala supports and builds up the community.

Kuwala Farm Manager Reachel (white shirt) and Thoko from Greenhouse Farming help out at the farm. Six years ago, Kuwala’s land was barren, stripped of trees and depleted of nutrients. Today, it’s unrecognizable. We have planted a thousand trees, installed an irrigation system, and created a valuable teaching tool for Kuwala students. Additionally, this project has provided local employment opportunities.

Malawi has been hit hard by the effects of climate change. Lack of rain during traditional wet seasons and the constant dry weather and heat waves push poverty and malnutrition to extremes. Maize meal is the staple food for Malawians, but an extreme drought has triggered a doubling of its price over the past few months, forcing families to cut back on meals. Crops are failing, food is scarce, and food prices are soaring. Food insecurity is real. The Globe and Mail reported that Malawi declared a disaster this year due to droughts. In Malawi, maize prices have nearly doubled in the past year, pushing up to 40 percent of the population into hunger and leaving two million people needing emergency assistance. “The impact is huge, and so are the needs,” Paul Turnbull, Malawi’s World Food Programme director, said this month.

Employing workers to help tend to the Campus farm. This is just one of the ways we are building sustainability and self-reliance into our plans. Kuwala_2024

Kuwala is building futures by expanding farmland to sustain various crops, milling operations, and introducing livestock, moringa trees, and potentially beehives. The students are learning about the importance and value of food sustainability and understanding the effects of climate change. The construction of a new water tower for the farm will be an asset because the expansion of crops needs irrigation.

Building futures, one block at a time.

workers outside stacking cinder blocks for the water tower construction.
Workers building second water tower to supply irrigation to our Campus farm. Kuwala_2024

Discussions are ongoing with the Canadian and Malawian Board members, developing ideas on food sustainability, food preservation, and the introduction of new crops and farming practices. We have a strong, committed team on the ground in Malawi and a very engaged team in Canada, consistently working towards the same goal. Building futures for young girls through education, providing life skills and a hands-on learning experience to build them up, change their future and the future
of generations.

Piece work (short-term rural labour relationships) is typical in Malawi. Many families in the surrounding communities are subsistent farmers now suffering from poor crops. Many will look for piecework to make a few dollars daily to feed themselves and their families. Kuwala is providing piecework to many communities surrounding Kuwala. The women work in the maize mill, and men and women work in the fields as harvest time nears. Termites are a constant nuisance and can damage crops near harvest time. Kuwala’s maize requires culling because the termites have damaged the cobs, and workers clean up the termite hills in anticipation of harvest time.

Student council.

Every year in the third term, a new student council from Form 3 provides leadership for the student body. The student council is a safe environment where the girls can contribute their ideas and opinions. The teachers select the students and are voted in by the students. Each council position hosts a council member and an assistant. The Council is in place to provide the following:

  •  Assist in maintaining discipline at school.
  • Supervise daily school chores and routines.
  • Act as a bridge between the administration and fellow students.
  • Involved in the well-being and welfare of the students.

The council consists of:

  •  head girl;
  •  library prefect;
  •  sports prefect;
  • cafeteria prefect;
  • entertainment prefect;
  • sanitation prefect;
  • hostel prefect;
  • laboratory prefect; and
  • time management prefect.

Kuwala is building and enriching the lives of girls in so many ways. Providing a solid academic base is a route of kindness, positive behaviour, moral values, discipline, and hard work. Giving girls knowledge and skills to improve their confidence and further their aspirations is worthwhile. Girls can learn the skills needed for the workplace by going to school. Education for Kuwala’s girls is only the beginning, and in June, another group of Form 4 girls will graduate.

Service Trip to Malawi

In Malawi, the Kuwala Christian Girls School serves as a center of hope and empowerment for young women. From June 2nd to June 11th, twenty Canadians will undertake a service trip to support this transformative initiative. We’ll provide daily updates through a video blog if you want to follow their journey. Sign up to receive daily email notifications with links to view the updates on our YouTube channel.

To sign up for this video series, a link on our web page
will make it easy for you to follow what we are doing.

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