Do you remember learning quadratic equations in school? It is one of the many mathematical problems the students are learning. They are progressing well in their studies; the girls also spend time with their teachers in the evenings for more problem solving on the chalkboard at the campus. Study time is taken seriously, and they do not take the opportunity to learn for granted. They have their sights set on the National Exams at the end of Form 4 next year.

The drama on the campus continues with the production of Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth.
Speaking, writing and reading in English study can still be a challenge for some of the girls. The teachers at Kuwala have become creative with their teaching styles to incorporate play using drama, acting and role play to help make the content more engaging. One of the books they are studying in English class is Macbeth.
Community, this is what it’s all about.
Wednesdays are Community Service in action at Kuwala. Sometimes, the girls have gone to the nearby villages to teach the younger children English and other studies.

The Kuwala students regularly go on teaching outreach visits to one of the Primary Schools in the area. These opportunities provide English practice for the students, connect them to the villages, and build awareness of the school. In addition, the teaching visits develop a much larger community relationship of support, trust and encouragement. Thus, not only does Kuwala provide hope and a bright future for our students, but also one for generations to come.

The Student Community Outreach program is really starting to make a difference in the village. It’s building friendships and awareness for girl’s education.
Students become role models for the kids and through kindness—a better world.
Computer studies, it’s about practical knowledge.
The girls continue learning the basics of the computer programs and have now begun to format a document and print their work. It shows actual progress, and the girls are excited about their finished projects. Computer literacy will provide the step-up to pursue their education further or work towards a future in Agriculture or small business. The students and their parents meet their teachers at the end of this month to discuss their progress. The importance of having the parent’s commitment and involvement in their education ensures that when the girls go home for breaks, there is a consistent message to keep them focused.
Last month another batch of donated laptops was shipped from a local Winnipeg Company. These gently used Lenovo ThinkPads laptops are powerful business computers with the latest Microsoft® operating system. Our vision of a laptop per student and teacher is a reality. It rare for a Malawi secondary school to have laptops. These girls will have a differentiated advantage when they graduate!
Special thanks to DHL International GmbH for managing the shipping to Malawi. It’s not easy shipping across continents and countries to a small town in Africa.

Uniforms at the campus
Our cooks, nurse, security staff, and teachers are sporting appropriate uniforms. Uniforms help build student respect and trust in the teachers and staff and look to them as role models for their future. In addition to the PPE equipment for the Covid Pandemic, the new uniforms also provide a level of professionalism for each staff member’s role. Kuwala Staff has received PPE when teaching and interacting with the students on campus.

The Pandemic required that many of the skilled nurses in Malawi fulfill Government positions within the country to fight against Covid-19. Our newest member of the staff, Nurse Bridget Bester, brings her skills to the well-being of our students and staff at Kuwala.
Getting to know the students.
Meet Veronica

In her own words, “Hello, I have three sisters and two brothers. I want to be independent as a girl and help my family and others through my job and achievements. I could see my dreams coming true. My parents and family members were pleased knowing that they have been freed from paying my school fees. I enjoy learning English, Math and Computer skills. The environment at Kuwala is good as it is quiet, which does make me study in peace. I see myself becoming a Judge and a Business Owner. I am going to help my family and improve their lives. I also enjoy chatting with others because, at first, before I came here, I did not know how to talk with people. I enjoy storytelling as it helps my vocabulary, thereby improving my English skills. I also enjoy cooking, playing frisbee and volleyball.”

Getting to know the staff.
Meet Noel Maganga
In his own words,
I am a Christian and a CCAP Member, teaching Social Studies, Physics and Agriculture. In addition, I am a Sports master and Patron of the Maths Club. I’m also a counsellor for the girls and Chair of the Discipline Committee. to relax, I like to read newspapers, watch movies, and interact with people of all ages.
I’m the third born in a family of four boys. My brother supported my secondary education through his work as a maid. Growing up, I received my Primary and Secondary education in the same district, then was selected to Domasi College of Education and later joined Mzuzu University in Malawi, where I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree.

Kuwala is a school that looks and provides enough care for both the staff and learners. It’s a school that puts Christianity in practice strives harder to educate the village girl, whose future was very vulnerable in the village. The students experience both academics and outside class activities, and there is a vast improvement in their performance and willingness to learn. I see a future for the girls as we train them to serve others and their communities. The girls have started to develop much ambition in community serving professionals so that they will become teachers.
It’s not all studying. Physical activity stimulates a healthy mind.

Sports Day at the Campus promotes a healthy amount of activity where the students and staff can have amazing interactions and team-building experiences. Popular team sports include: netball, soccer, and volleyball.

Annual report.
Our 2020 Annual Report is out. You can visit our website to download your copy to learn more about our capital projects and how we are growing futures.
Be sure to visit the Kuwala website for more stories about what’s happening. A print version of this newsletter can be found on our website under Stories/newsletters.