International Women’s Day

by | Mar 29, 2021 | Stories from the Field

In March, around the world, we recognized International Women’s Day. Together, we can celebrate the accomplishments at Kuwala Christian Girls School, where young girls are on their way to achieving an education that will lift them towards a better life. Thanks to you, this is happening!

If you educate a boy, you educate an individual. If you educate a girl, you educate a community.

African Proverb

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Image of Malawian Health Care team checking students for Covid19
Government COVID19 Response team at Kuwala Campus. _2021

Kuwala has been registered in Malawi and is now officially a school recognized in Lilongwe Rural West’s Division. It is an exciting achievement. It provides identification and our school’s ability to become active within the school division and be selected to participate in many pilot projects for education. One of the opportunities from this registration was that Kuwala was a chosen school for Covid 19 screening. Good news; all of the girls on campus tested negative.

Rapid Response COVID19 truck with Kuwala Students. _2021

Image of Lucy raising the roof.
Lucy raising the roof. She will be featured on our Raise the Roof campaign. _2021

The school continues to work towards becoming an examination school. This designation would allow our girls to remain at the campus to write their National exams, avoiding the travel time and expense to attend at another exam location. The St Peter’s Assembly Hall is an impressive facility with a capacity to host 200 people. This building will become a beacon of light for the school and the surrounding community.

Through this generous contribution and vision from a Lutheran church congregation in Manitoba, Kuwala can now qualify to become a host examination location for other Malawi schools. Our goal, to become a recognized school of excellence, is becoming a reality.

Image of St. Peter's Hall construction looking thru the trees from a distance.
Image shows St. Peter’s dining hall steel roof truss construction and the surrounding greenery.

Image shows Kuwala students working in the Computer lab.
Kuwala students working in the Computer Science lab.

Computers are providing a path for a bright future.

Computers donated to Kuwala are providing a path for the girls to learning the basics in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. The school is using a teaching system called ARES, African Ruggedized Education Solution. ARES is a small server packed with software, providing access to so many different educational materials. This rugged little server can work all day on a single charge and is necessary because the Malawian power grid has intermittent power. The server can withstand heat, dust, power surges and has few moving parts to minimize maintenance.

Image shows ARES, a rugged African Education Computer Server
Image shows a computer server that is is designed to work all day on a single charge. _2021.

Update on the Raise the Roof campaign

Look for our Raise the Roof Campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin. Every dollar contributed for the next few months is donor matched. If you make a small donation now your contribution doubles!

Kuwala continues to fundraise to build a second dorm. It will allow an additional 60 girls per year to receive an education. To date, we have raised $52,750 needed of the estimated $81,864.00. There is good news on the horizon; construction has started with the foundation laid last month. Also, an angel investor has made a significant donation and is willing to dollar match for an additional $30,000 in funding.

Your donation now is appreciated as your contribution effectively doubles. For the next couple of months, our webpage on CanadaHelps is now directing funds to this campaign.

Image of Raise the Roof Logo graphic

Let’s finish this construction and get 60 more students under a roof. Kuwala is building futures!

Image of Hostel Construction Project
3.5 MB download

To learn more about the hostel construction project, click on the Download button to review the funding breakdown.

Watch our newest video on the importance of students and teachers living on campus. Narrated by Esther Kawale, Board member in Malawi, and Memory Mdyetseni, School Director in Malawi. This is the reason Kuwala is building a new second hostel.

Getting to know the staff and students

David Forpenz
Mathematics, Computer Studies and Chemistry.

Image of David Fopenz, Kuwala teacher
David Forpenz, Kuwala Teacher. _2021.

Hello, my name is David Forpenz; I teach Mathematics, Computer Studies and Chemistry. My mom is a single mom who was a peasant farmer in a family of 5; life was trying to survive. My dad, who was a peasant farmer, became a quadriplegic when I was 8. I attended a free primary school and thence to Nkata Bay Secondary School. I almost dropped out in Term 2 due to a lack of school fees until the Ministry of Hope, a local community orphanage, helped. From there, I went to the University of Malawi on a Government loan for a Bachelors. As well as being a teacher at Kuwala, I am also a deputy examination officer.

Written by: David Forpenz.

David Forpenz showing computer commands. _2021

Student at Kuwala

Cecilia, Kuwala Student. _2021

Hello, my name is Cecilia; I am the first girl in my family to attend secondary school. I was very excited when I learned I was accepted at Kuwala and said, “I have a bright future.” I want quality education for my goal to go to University; I see myself becoming a Doctor. One of my favourite subjects is biology, especially the topic of photosynthesis and the human nervous system. I like the meals at the cafeteria, my bed, shower and flushing toilets. I enjoy sports because my body is healthy. Storytelling has improved my English and my thinking capacity. I also enjoy reading, singing and being involved in group discussions. I will help my family with my education, and I am motivating my siblings to work hard.

Images shows Cecilia working on a donated laptop from Winnipeg. _2021
Cecilia working on a donated laptop from Winnipeg. _2021

Written by: Cecilia.

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In celebration of International Women’s Day

Miss Grace Chazeza, Kuwala Teacher with students. The gesture is for women’s day. _2021

Women themselves have the right to live in dignity, in freedom from fear. Let’s rededicate ourselves to making that a reality.

Kofi Annan, Secretary-General United Nations (8-April-1938—18-August 2018), co-recipient of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize.