The dream of building a Girls school in Malawi, one of the poorest countries in the world, becomes a reality. The name chosen for the school is “KUWALA” which means “light” in the local language. The school motto is defined as “Shine Girls Shine”. The desire is for the light of God’s love in Jesus to shine upon the girls. Our Canadian team visits Malawi and purchases 12.5 hectares of land from local village elders. Our team in Malawi administers the transaction building a relationship in a community very excited for the plans of a girl’s school.
A truck is acquired for our Malawian partners, and the Malawian Board is Incorporated. They will become our partners on the ground and will work together with our Canadian Board to establish a path forward for the school.
The first step is the construction of a road into the area where there will be a future campus. The road is entirely hand-dug and excavated with hand tools. The arrival of a shipping container marks the beginning of the arrival of tools, equipment and supplies to begin construction on the buildings at the campus. Drilling takes place for the school’s water well. Composting toilets are built in preparation for the arrival of the work crews.