Learning English is essential.

by | Mar 27, 2023 | Stories from the Field

When the girls arrive at Kuwala, their English is limited, but they quickly learn through guidance, teaching, and daily encouragement of oral and written practice. 

English is the official language of education in Malawi.

The Malawi Education Act of 2013 stated that instruction in all public schools and colleges should be in English. English is considered the official language of Malawi, while Chichewa is the national language. 

The girls at Kuwala arrive at the Campus, from their primary schools, with varying levels of education; some with more English knowledge than others, some with better study habits, but all with a sincere and determined commitment to achieve a secondary education. There is a lot of curriculum material to cover and study practices to develop. For many students, this is a challenge, as they are still learning and applying everything in the English language. The teachers at Kuwala developed a program to make learning memorable. Kuwala Quiz Day marks the first event designed with quiz material in a memory and oral format.

The teachers at Kuwala are determined to provide the best platform for these learners to succeed. One way they accomplish this is through a fitness test exam called mock examinations which reflect the nature of the National Examinations. Teachers have set this examination from almost ten secondary education institutions in Lilongwe’s rural west, of which nine are public, and Kuwala is the only non-state-owned school. As the Form 2 mock examination is in progress, the Form 1 and 3 girls are sitting for the end of Term 2 examinations. After mid-terms, there is an evaluation day where parents come for visiting day. The teachers and students review and discuss what their daughters have achieved and what the students need to focus on as they move forward in their day-to-day work. 

Kuwala girls sitting down outside reading.
Students studying outside practicing English. Kuwala_2023. 

After the mid-terms in February, the students enjoyed a movie on the big screen in the St Peter’s Assembly Hall. They also enjoy knitting and reading. Before going home for break, the girls get a haircut from a local barber. He arrives with his tools and solar power panels to run the equipment. All the girls welcome a fresh haircut! The students in Malawi break for a holiday on March 31. They will return to school to begin Term 3 on April 19.

What gets measured gets done! 

A couple of Kuwala students writing in the classroom on wooden desks.
The Kuwala students are in mid-exam mode. Kuwala_2023.

The students were encouraged to develop a working Theme for their school year, to keep themselves motivated, accountable and engaged. In addition, they support one another and reflect on the words they wrote together as a class.

Form 1 – “Together towards a bright future”

Rationale: There is a significant knowledge gap from Standard 8 grade to Form 1 at Kuwala. Form 1 students have committed to working together in this new environment, building each other up, and helping and motivating each other to achieve a brighter future.

Form 2 – “Expect the best”

Rationale: Most of these students have been at Kuwala for a year. Many have seen the success of the first Graduating Class from Kuwala in 2022. Although they had a successful exam pass rate in the first National Exam, they have committed to improving their grades and expect only the best from each other.

Form 3 – “Excellence is the target”

Rationale: These students are striving for an “A grade” performance. They will try their best to achieve excellence in their studies and support each other.

Form 4 – “Focus on success”

Rationale: These girls follow in the footsteps of the Pioneer Students, the girls of the first Graduation Class at Kuwala. They know success comes from 20% input from teachers and 80% from students. They have to try their best despite all the negatives. Success comes from focus and hard work.

International Women’s Day 2023 – embrace equity

Students and teacher posing outside with trees in the background.
Teacher Miss Grace Chazeza leading the charge. Kuwala_2022

As part of teaching the students what is happening globally, the female staff, led by Miss Grace Chazeza, organized women’s prayers on March 9 in St Peter’s Hall to commemorate International Women’s Day.

Teacher profile

Meet Mr. Bright Chikaka, In his own words…

Kuwala teacher outside with trees in the background.
Mr. Bright Chikaka, Kuwala’s newest teacher. Kuwala_2023.

I went to Nalikule College of Education to study for a bachelor’s degree in Education Sciences. At Kasungu Teachers College, I trained as a primary school teacher. I teach Mathematics, Biology and Agriculture.

The students and teachers are hardworking. The learners are growing spiritually and physically as they are involved in different sports activities and prayers. The most rewarding experience is that I have been trusted and included as one of the staff members to assist learners in achieving their goals. These students will have a bright future.

World Poetry Day, March 21st.

Unleash the beauty of words.

On World Poetry Day, we celebrate the beauty of language and the power of words to inspire, move, and engage. For girls in Malawi, mastering English is a key to unlocking a world of opportunity. Students can hone their language skills through poetry and learn to express themselves with grace and thrill. Poetry is a practical tool that shows mastery of English, a language that can take them to any destiny. As they learn to write verse, they develop a keen ear for the nuances of English and the rhythm they hold dear. They discover how to use adjectives, metaphors, rhymes, paint pictures with words, and express emotions in chime. And, as they share their poetry with others, they gain confidence in their abilities as their pen glides across the page. They see the power of their spoken word, the strength of their pen, and the knowledge they can make an impact. 

Written by Naomi: Form 2 Student

Naomi outside classroom block.
Form 2: Naomi – Author. Kuwala_2023

We are diamonds and stars.

Today is the day to make a good decision. Because of students’ and teachers’ cooperation, students have ambitions. Big like mansions. To make students know how to deal with situations.

A day of mindset change. To know where we were wrong. And change our thinking capacity. The day that will make us develop a hardworking spirit. Parents and teachers are on our side and motivate us to work hard. They are making us know that we can be somebody.

On evaluation day, we chat with our parents. We are showing them the results of what we have harvested. And know where to improve. 

Yes! Kuwala Christian Girls School. Shine Girls Shine. We will all shine like the moon. We are all diamonds and stars.

Student profile

Martha outside of hostel.
Martha, Form 1 Student. Kuwala_2023

Meet Student Martha, in her own words…

I am in Form 1. I am the firstborn and the last. My father is a teacher. Kuwala is the best school; there is a lot of security and hardworking teachers. I enjoy living at Kuwala because my friend and I do different activities like football and planting trees. I enjoy playing games, studying notes, reading novels, knitting and washing my clothes. Thank you for the opportunity for me to go to school. Thank you for praying for my family and me.

On the ground, in the air

Kuwala has acquired additional farmland

Overhead shot of newly purchase farm land.
Drone operator and photographer Chimwemwe Katola – in the middle of the newly purchased land. Kuwala_2023

Acquiring land for Kuwala has short and long-term importance for the Campus and the community.


Rationale: Promoting Sustainability: Malawi relies heavily on agriculture, and sustainable practices are critical for the country’s economic and environmental well-being. Kuwala emphasizes sustainability and education, so the next generation is a more sustainable future for the community. 

Community outreach 

Rationale: Many communities in Malawi have food security challenges. Kuwala is interested in creating a farm to help the community, improve the surrounding area’s quality of life, and make the Campus less dependent on buying food. 

Economic development 

Rationale: Generating food crops directly benefits the community by creating jobs and promoting local businesses. Additionally, responsible agricultural practices prioritizing sustainability can attract environmentally conscious companies and investors to the area, promoting economic development. 

Construction update

Staff duplexes

Construction continues on the staff housing. This is critical infrastructure, as Kuwala’s Campus is remote, and teachers have difficulty getting to work, especially in the rainy season when the roads wash out. 

Arial shot of Kuwala staff houses.
Kuwala duplex staff houses. LH is under construction, RH is complete. Kuwala_2023. 

Biogas installation

The Biogas project is challenging with seasonal rains. But, we know a thing or two about setbacks as an inevitable part of any construction project. We still estimate a return on investment to be about 12 months as we move away from purchased natural gas to run the commercial kitchen stoves to a more sustainable biogas. 

Arial shot of St. Peter's Assembly Hall with biogas foundation outside the kitchen in the back.
Kuwala biogas installation shown behind St. Peter’s Assembly Hall. Kuwala_2023

Biogas benefits to the Campus, why it’s essential.

Access to Clean Energy: Many rural African communities lack reliable and affordable energy sources. By constructing a biogas project, communities can generate clean energy from organic waste materials such as animal manure and agricultural residues. This can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and traditional biomass, which can have negative environmental and health impacts. 

Improved Sanitation: Biogas projects can also help improve sanitation in rural communities. By using animal manure and other organic waste materials to produce biogas, communities can reduce the amount of untreated waste, leading to health hazards such as water contamination and the spread of disease. Additionally, biogas projects can produce a high-quality organic fertilizer that can be used to improve soil health and agricultural productivity. 

Economic Benefits: Constructing a biogas project can also benefit African rural communities. The project can create jobs during the construction phase and provide ongoing employment opportunities for maintenance and operation. Additionally, communities can sell excess biogas or organic fertilizer to generate income, which can help improve their overall economic well-being. Overall, a biogas project can provide a sustainable and holistic solution to address African rural communities’ energy, sanitation, and economic challenges. 

Thumbnail of the print ready PDF newsletter for March 2023.
