Power is on

by | Feb 29, 2020 | Stories from the Field

February 2020онлайн займ на кошелек без карты

Exciting news from Kuwala! The school now has POWER! Malawi has one of the highest “energy poverty” rates in the world, having some of the least number of people with access to electricity. Being both grid connected to hydroelectricity and having on site solar at our school is a huge deal! The staff and students extend a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has supported them and ask that you continue to tell our story…there is so much we can be thankful for and still so much that can and will be done to impact the lives of these girls!

The greenhouse materials arrived and assembly has taken place. With the addition of some wood structure supports and the installation of the irrigation system, the greenhouse is almost ready to begin teaching the girls at Kuwala about agriculture and produce crops that will help feed the students and even the surrounding villages.

The irrigation set up for the greenhouse and assembly with wooden supports.

There is a lot of space! All the girls are smiling and excited as they anticipate all the learning and “hands on” application about to take place within the greenhouse. The first crop will be tomatoes, followed by produce and other vegetables. The students will also learn about producing organic fertilizer. There are extreme challenges in Malawi with famine and starvation, including in the villages surrounding the school. Community help is important in the lives of the students. Kuwala provides support, work and a community within and around the villages nearby. The communities are so thankful for the school and the opportunities for their girls. The girls are learning to become strong, bold and compassionate disciples for Jesus.

A big thank you for the greenhouse.

The Staff House is ready for window fittings. This beautiful structure will allow for a staff member and their family to live right on campus. This provides better community for the girls. Our Canadian board members connect with our Malawian partners on a weekly basis, communicating and sending pictures and videos of the progress of the school and in the lives of the girls at Kuwala.

The St. Peters Assembly Hall is also preparing for window fittings. They are now painting and finishing the interior. The design of the Assembly Hall will provide excellect ventilation with the addition of the tiered level of roofing. Our construction team on the ground have made extremely well designed structures for Kuwala. We are very blessed to have them; as you can see there are no machines or scaffolding as we would use, everything in Malawi is constructed by hand and small tools.

Prepping the interior walls before painting begins.

Sponsorship Opportunities are still available!

For $100.00 a month/$1200.00 a year you can positively impact the life of a girl in Malawi! You can even get a group together to sponsor a girl, your sports team, your extended family, your congregation!

Thank you for your encouragement, support and patience as we continue to grow, continue to learn and continue to impact the lives of girls with no other option in life; to educate and to deliver them out of poverty; giving them a chance to positively impact their families and communities.