Preparing for a final year with a strong focus on learning.

by | Sep 30, 2021 | Stories from the Field

Our students and teachers are working hard, even on evenings and weekends, to finish this year strong. At the end of next year, our present group of 60 girls will be writing National Exams. The focus is study, practice exams and English learning — the most critical and challenging component of the National Exam.

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The computer lab is a valuable addition to the students’ education.

Kuwala students studying with computers and workbooks
Kuwala students’ studying with laptops in the computer lab. Kuwala_2021.

The ARES computer server has been a valuable teaching tool. Teachers enrich the curriculum with videos, tutorials, books and additional research information. How neat is it to learn about science or biology and see the experiment live on a video! Furthermore, it is the first time our girls have ever seen or handled a computer. The laptops allow the students to expand their learning and ask questions. Starting in January, the next group of girls will be so much further ahead, as they will begin their four years at Kuwala with laptops from Day 1! Although most schools learn about laptops through textbooks, our students learn about laptops through actual applications. Less than 1% of schools in Malawi have a computer for every student. Kuwala is genuinely in a privileged position with one computer for every student.

An opportunity of a lifetime. The need to provide girls’ with a secondary education is staggering in Lilongwe, Africa.

Advertising for tomorrow’s leaders

Kuwala student recruitment poster

A small poster placed in primary schools and Teacher Development Centers around the district drew an overwhelming response from girls wanting to interview for limited new enrollment at Kuwala Christian Girls School for the start of the fall semester.

Four hundred and fifty girls came over two days to write an entrance exam with the hopes of being accepted to the school in January. Some came without invitation; many travelled long distances and arrived at Kuwala as early as 6:00 am.

It wasn’t easy to stop and not allow them all to participate in the interview and entrance exam. Space was made for all student candidates, and everyone was allowed to write the exam. Unfortunately, not everyone will gain entrance due to limited resources. There is a need for girl’s education, the reason Kuwala is here. In addition, there is a solid requirement to provide sponsorships to girls with no other option.

Kuwala student recruitment line
Even though the lines were long, all potential student candidates were seen and had a chance to write the exam. We never anticipated the response from the surrounding communities would be so large. Kuwala_2021.
Student candidates waiting on the floor for the entrance exam to begin.
Student candidates wait for the administration of the entrance exam. Kuwala_2021.
Potential Kuwala student candidates writing the exam on the floor of St. Peter's Assembly Hall.
The floor of St. Peter’s Assembly Hall was the only structure large enough to accommodate the student candidates! Kuwala_2021.

Lend a hand sponsorship drive

Two Kuwala students sharing a text book with smiles on the faces.
Part of the cost to sponsor a student goes to purchasing textbooks and school uniforms so every student can have an enjoyable learning environment without the judgement of economic status. Kuwala_2021.

We are kicking off our Lend a Hand campaign to provide the opportunity for you to sponsor a girl. Did you know that a $1200.00 a year donation offers a student a year of education? All in a safe, healthy school environment. Kuwala provides a uniform, three meals a day, a place to sleep, books, and extra-curricular activities. A four-year sponsorship allows them to graduate and brighten their future.

Kuwala Lend A Hand logo

A nursery of seedlings

Group of Kuwala students tending plants in the greenhouse.
Kuwala students tending to the future garden of plenty in the new greenhouse. Kuwala_2021

The seedlings in the greenhouse nursery are growing stronger every day. They have been nesting under thatching that protects them. The beds in the greenhouse are almost ready, nurtured under black plastic, and the girls will transport the seedlings. Kuwala is preparing to grow an abundance of produce this Fall as we anticipate the arrival of our new class of girls to the Campus. Our food stores continue to grow, with Nancy organizing it all. She is a teacher and Matron on Campus. Her role is vital to keeping track of food management, working with the suppliers, cooks, and general campus record-keeping.

Racing with Owen + Asher. A fundraising update.

Last month you followed the fabulous story of two young boys fundraising for a girl’s scholarship at Kuwala. Finally, results are in, and a huge thank you to Owen and Asher! Through their CanadaHelps fundraising campaign and the Karting Club’s annual charity drive, together, they raised $2400.00! That is enough to sponsor two girls for one year at Kuwala, absolutely incredible!

Headshot of Owen Boonstra
Headshot of Asher Boonstra
Race on Owen and Asher! Thank you for your fundraising. Kuwala_2021.

Lighting up the night

The Campus has installed five modern high-efficiency street lights along the main corridors from the hostel to the classroom block and to the entrance gate to the staff house. The lighting system protects everyone returning from the late-night study. Kuwala at night can be seen around the community as far as a kilometre away.

The path to the hostel and classroom block has light in the dark. Kuwala_2021.

Construction is bricks and mortar.

Construction continues at a fast pace. There are many more doors and windows now on the St. Peter’s Assembly Hall, and the walls are going up on the second staff house. The construction of on-site housing for teachers will attract and retain top talent.

three quarter view of St. Peter's Assembly Hall.
St. Peter’s Assembly Hall has windows and doors. Kuwala_2021.
Kuwala second staff house construction with walls going up.
The second staff house is taking shape. The walls are up. Kuwala_2021.
St. Peter’s Assembly Hall windows. Kuwala_2021.
St. Peter’s Assembly Hall doors. Kuwala_2021.

Kuwala Newsletter for September, 2021

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Are you a member of a sports team or a member of a church youth group? Are you planning a golf tournament, or are you a Church congregation looking for an International Mission? Would you consider planning an event or becoming a partner in fundraising or supporting a girl’s school in Africa, making a measurable difference in girls’ lives with no other options for an education?

We would be happy to have a discussion. Check out our website at or connect with us at [email protected].