Muli bwanji! Konnichiwa! Two languages for the greeting Hello!
Students separated by 12,107 km, halfway around the world from each other, come together to experience technology and share culture and experiences with students in a similar secondary school environment.
The possibilities with Starlink and the equipment at Kuwala are only beginning to show us the potential of connecting Kuwala students to a more incredible world. 14 Japanese students who belong to the “World Exploring Club” joined online with 10 of our Kuwala students to participate in several activities. They shared about culture, food, school life, and the countries they live in. The hour-long interaction heightened everyone’s curiosity and motivation to learn with a new, excited mindset.
Although language was a bit of a struggle, the students still engaged and learned from each other. The Japanese Teacher, Erika Atarash, introduced the students to the phrase “wakuwaku,” a motto of the World Exploring Club, which describes the feeling of being intellectually stimulated and excited.
As a pilot project, the success of this learning opportunity will have great potential for future online activities.

Earlier in the month, Ms. Atarash visited Kuwala and taught a workshop designed to inspire and motivate the students to explore the field of science and innovation. A former secondary teacher to Chembe at Kuwala, she and Chembe instructed the students on how to build a windmill. Using the technical equipment and large screen, the students could watch earlier Malawi students’ stories of the windmill’s success, design, and construction and learn about their innovation.

Community service Wednesdays continue to grow! Kuwala students make a positive and enriching impact on 193 village children while exercising their English learning and developing their confidence and independence. With the influx of new students and the expansion of buildings, ongoing campus projects for Kuwala include the implementation of fire protection protocols and equipment and installing extra street lighting throughout the Campus. Our Team on the ground consistently monitors protocols and procedures to ensure Kuwala continues to be a state-of-the-art campus and community.